Wednesday 28 May 2008

Three Word Wednesday # 88


With vision, judgement and reactions blurred ...

People should be regarded as illegal, when behind the wheel, driving a motor vehicle, unless they're tested annually once reaching 65 years of age ...

I'll match any argument anyone wants to put forward ...


Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be snarky or nasty but you seem to want people to be nasty. You can't our argue what you're not an expert in--I'm a geriatric social worker

Why 65? Macular degeneration doesn't usually strike until the 70's. Dementia isn't the normal condition many people think it is--it's more common in people over 85

Older people compensate for lessened reflexes with other things

Drivers under 22 don't have fully developed brain neurons, reflexs and judgment. They're much more likely to drink or drug and drive

I know you're trying to be controvesial. Sometimes that backfires

Lucy said...

I understand where You AND Where Pia are coming from, but I know you AREN'T saying Every 65 year old is a menus, Just that that could be the age where we need to annually check that our reflexes and vision haven't begun deteriorating. However, Why Not test Everyone more often, because I think I've begun dementia and I'm only 48!

Anonymous said...

65 isn't even an age where people are eligible for full Social Security anymore

And yes if there are going to be tests they should be when licenses are renewed no matter what the age

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Pia, I'm intrigued why you assume I "want people to be nasty" ...blogging, for me, is where people express opinions ... not all blogging originates from the US ... controversial ... Gotcha!

Thank You Lucy for getting my post ;~)

Anonymous said...

Well, count me out of the controversy. I will take it for what it is! Good use of the prompt words!

slaves to whom?

Tammy Brierly said...

Teenagers and the elderly that can't turn their heads scare the heck out of me.! Creative use of the prompts.

TC said...

I for one found this to be funny. I have a hunch you recently had an experience with an elderly driver... who - of those of us that drive frequently - hasn't been there? :)

I'm in total agreement, as well. I even look at my one aunt who is just over 60 and wish she'd take a test every year or two... not to mention a woman I used to know (she's been dead about 10 years now) that would hit a parked car every.single.time she drove. Thankfully, she only drove about 7 mph, but still!

Anonymous said...

I think this was an interesting use of the words as well...but I tend to feel a bit saddened on how we feel about older people (even though 65 is not that old these days -when we are living longer than ever...) when one day that will be us. Driving in particular is an interesting thing - it gives us a sense of capability, independence, freedom and sense of purpose and it must be so hard to feel incapable on a human level. I was rear-ended by an older gentleman last year who was on meds and eating while driving...but I've also seen my high-school students drive very irresponsibly and cause hospitalization in grandfather-inlaw is ninety and still driving (though we wrestle to stop him) but I empathize with a human accepting and relinquishing control over their lives because one day that will be me...and though I don't want to injure anyone, I would hope people don't assume that an age dictates my ability.

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