Monday, 31 March 2008
Did anyone get the number of that truck?
She is out of intensive care! She is on the road to recovery is exchanging quips with the nursing staff, asking me to take photos of everything '...for the blog...' and telling everyone that she is DEFINITELY over this!!
Friday, 28 March 2008
That's My Answer ...
See where others are off to here
Thursday, 27 March 2008
Susie MacMurray - Recycled Art ... balloons, mussel shells, hair nets ...

Wednesday, 26 March 2008
3 Word Wednesday LXXVlX
I oft ponder the question of how a cool refreshing glass of happiness, actually a kazillion trillion of them and solving life's folderol through the base of them ... became a token of the person I was while unknowingly creating whom I've become ... Mmmm ...
WMF Knives - Fruit & Vegetable Sculptures ...

Thought for the day ...
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Thought for the Day ...
from 18 to 35 she needs good looks,
from 35 to 55 she needs a good personality,
from 55 on she needs cash." -- Sophie Tucker.
Monday, 24 March 2008
A Joyful Easter to Everyone ...

More cards here
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Unconscious Mutterings # 268
1. Money :: made round to go round, made flat to stack ...
2. Unhappy :: not anymore ...
3. Joking :: you must be ...
4. Chipmunk :: high pitched charicature singers ...
5. Date :: what day is it?
6. Slideshow :: boring ...
7. Chicago :: wanna go there ...
8. Lifetime :: so much to do, so little time ...
9. Skid row :: place of sadness ...
10. Edward :: Scissorhand.
Read more Mutterings here ...
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Thought for the day ...
"The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands and, when it gets old and shabby, a woman can dispose of it and get a new one without shocking the entire community." -- Ann Strong, Minneapolis Tribune, 1895
Friday, 21 March 2008
Photo Friday ... FOUND OBJECTS ...
Photo Friday: a Tortoise Shell Collection ... all found objects ... thankfully more faux than real ...
Find more Found Objects here
Friday's Feast One Hundred & Eighty Four ...
Given the choice, would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? City for sure, been there done the country, too small, no anonymity!
Who is the cutest kid you know? Cutest big kid, Ma Bella!
Fill in the blank: I couldn’t believe it when I heard --------- ... crikey, there's news, economics, disasters, world news, art techniques, gossip, politics as well as opinions of pompous, know-all, empire builders ... how much time do I have ?
Main Course
If you could star in a commercial for one of your favorite products, which one would you want to advertise? Seafood or a gluten free product!
What type(s) of vitamins and/or supplements do you take on a regular basis? Currently a course of B12 shots and - Daily - Vitamin B, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, Milk Thistle, Flaxseed Oil caps, at night Valerian or Passionflower.
Read what other's are dishing up ... here
Sunday Scribblings # 103 - I Just Don't Get it ...
I'm constantly bamboozled, flabbergasted and gob smacked at why people Just Don't Get It ...
Some that spring to mind are ...
that the law is an ass ...
why people don't answer a question with an answer ...
why people talk loudly on their mobile phones in public places ...
why people don't hear or read the question ...
why people don't get that life's not a dress rehearsal ...
when people don't get that 'charity begins at home' ...
that people trip over their ego's ...
when people make a comment that has no bearing on the topic ...
when people are rewarded for bad behaviour ...
why people just don't get it ...
why people only see the negative side ...
why people who have so much still thrive on being miserable ...
why people revel in martyrdom ...
why people believe the media ...
why people relish being the scapegoat ...
why people don't seek the root cause ...
how people can be cruel to children and animals ...
why people allow non life threatening illness' to encompass their whole being ...
why petrol prices rise when the stuff has been in the undergeound tank all week ...
why people don't either - Get It or Get Over It ...
why people take everything so seriously or literally ...
why some people think they're never wrong ... Oooops ... hang on ... ...
NO I DON'T ... ;)
read other I don't get it's here ...
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Three Word Wednesday #78 ...
Striding gallantly from the tangled web she'd woven, she understood ... money can't buy her love ...
... Heather Mills McCartney, a piece of work who could give women, memories, marriage and so much more that's precious, a bad name ...
... if we'd allow her!
Wordless Wednesday - Easter Chocolate Warning ...
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Ten on Tuesday ... 10 Places You’d Take a Tourist to See in Your Hometown
2. On this trip you get a birds eye view of Sydney Harbour Bridge as you go underneath it, you have a perfect view of The Opera House, ships moored at the Overseas Passenger Terminal and the hustle and bustle of water traffic on Sydney Harbour.
3. Take the lift up Centrpoint Tower and walk out onto the glass floor veiwing section - I'll wait inside for you!
4. Take a bus out to Bondi Beach have lunch at Bondi Icebergs.
5. At Bondi Beach take the cliff walk around to Tamarama and Bronte Beach excellent when Sculpture by the Sea is showing, have lunch at Bronte and take the bus back to the city.
6. Shopping in the beautiful QVB / Queen Victoria Building, then across to the Pitt Street Mall, where you might see the HUG MAN.
6. Dine down at the Rocks - Doyles or Woolfies and after stroll around the Rocks especially if Friday night markets are on.
7. A day trip to the Blue Mountains, see the Three Sisters, Echo Point, ride the longest Railway.
8. Take the bridge walk ... a walk over the arch of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
9. It would depend on the interests of the tourists - we could go to The Maritime Museum, The Sydney Museum, The Art Gallery, The Museum of Contemporary Art, we could browse op shops, Antique stores, Sunday markets, China Town, Retro stores in Newtown, Factory outlets, live shows and theatre matinee's or night shows, shop in trendy Paddington, or shop in gay Oxford Street ...
10. Watch the sun go down drinking cool refreshing glasses of happiness at the Opera Bar listening to the noises of Sydney Harbour ... bliss!
Google any of the places I've mentioned to see what's in store for you when you visit me ...
St Patrick's Day - Mangan & Bee my Irish Ancestors ...
In 1828 my Great, Great, Great Grandfather Patrick Mangan, born 1779 in Ballingarry, Ireland arrived in Australia as a member of the Royal Veterans Corp aboard the Hooghley - he had a colourful few years in Van Diemens land dying April 7, 1840 after falling from the back of a dray, in true Irish spirit, inebriated ...
My first female ancestor to the colony was a poor Irish colleen, Mary Bee, born in Cavan, Ireland c1817. Mary was convicted of stealing a cheese and of 5 counts of drunkeness, in Liverpool, at the Lancaster Liverpool Quarter Sessions in 1841. She had 5 prior convictions - for the cheese stealing, she was sentenced to 7 years transportation to Tasmania. Mary was transported on the "Emma Eugenie" arriving in Hobart on the 1842 with her 8 year old daughter Ann. Mary was my Great, Great, Great Grandmother when 18 year old Ann married William son of Patrick Mangan.
I've walked where Mary walked on the land of the Female Factory in Tasmania (formerly Van Diemens Land) ... it was an emotional time pondering the horror Mary must have endured ...
Thanks to Jen Self for her tireless research.
Monday, 17 March 2008
Manic Monday for March 17, 2008
Name three things to be happy about today. Today ... a sunny day with cherished friends, bagging a bargain and scrumptious food - what more is there?
How do you release frustration? I've learnt not to dwell. The twerp, the frustater is usually oblivious - therefore the only person frustrated is me so ... I'm Over It ... pronto!
Check more Manic Mondayer's
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Writers Island ... SPELLBOUND
The last time I was spellbound... was over a tender, succulent steak sandwich, oozing with avocado, carrot and beetroot devoured for lunch on a busy day out. I told the chef it was better than sex ... he told me I wasn't doing it right ...
Other spellbound times that spring to mind ...
Enthralled meeting MJ for the first time ...
Overcome seeing Ma Bella for the first time ...
Carried away at a John Farham Concert ...
Captivated at the theatre to see 'Priscilla Queen of the Desert', transported seeing 'The Lion King' ...
Smitten finding another addition for one of my collections ...
I'm spellbound, allured and fascinated by what most see as the ordinary or the mundane ... you could say I'm spellbound about life, the whole deal ... try it you might like it!
Unconscious Mutterings
I say, you think ...
1. Paranormal :: out there
2. Alarm :: warning
3. Operative :: enforcer
4. Changing :: life
5. Framed :: prove it
6. Beer :: grog
7. Referral :: have faith in
8. Unmasked :: thief
9. Movie star :: over paid
10. Handbook :: instructions
Check out who else is muttering
Friday, 14 March 2008
Sunday Scribblings #102 SMORGASBOARD ...
with the question ‘What would you attempt if you knew you would not fail?’
My choices of the offered prompts relate to the following incident …
Real life --- Thief --- If I could stop time --- Punishment and Reward --- Anticipation --- Change --- In the Kitchen --- Deepest darkest --- In the news... --- Secret Identity --- Rooted --- I have an idea – Change --- Goodbyes --- Yummy --- Crush --- Troubled ---I get that sinking feeling --- the end ---
Have you heard that saying ‘truth is stranger than fiction’ well read on?
The other day leaving home at 9am to do my half day at the local opshop the Australia Post parcel contractor arrived waving a large hot pink package at me - I was excited, I'd been pestering him for weeks about this package coming from overseas containing an altered art challenge for me to complete!
I was thrilled and walking up the road I was amused and horrified see the package had stamps all over it saying "this package has been delivered via Goroka New Guinea" Good grief!!! There were also stickers indicating it had been opened and inspected by Australian Customs.
Drat they knew the contents of this painted hot pink treasure! I decided I’d wait till I got home to devour the contents! The package had been resealed using that stiff packaging tape - you know that stiff stuff great to use in hems and handbags, the stuff you need a Stanley knife to undo? I was excited at the mileage I was going to get out of this saga.
At the op shop I put my bag in the usual place, in the kitchen. Working on that day was the manageress, an older male volunteer and Moi!
During the morning the male volunteer came out of the kitchen with my bag asking if it was mine. I said yes. He told me he had seen the bag in the kitchen and had gone through it thinking it was a donation. He added he’d been through my wallet, noted money plus other ID. The manageress overheard the conversation and we laughed at the silliness of his mistake! Quietly I was perturbed ... he’d thoroughly searched my bag yet he was not there to sort donations. There appeared no harm done, I didn't make a fuss.
I went home, knackered, I hung my bag up, had a snooze! Later I awoke, went to my bag, the hot pink 38 x 30cm package with my name and address emblazoned across the front was missing. It was too late in the day to race to the op shop! I was gutted, devastated - AND more so as I'd watched a gi-normous truck load of rubbish had been taken to the tip ... instinctively I knew, the precious package was gone.
That night I hardly slept – seething at the thought that this little shite had not only been through my bag but had removed the precious package!!
Next morning I was at the op door at opening time! I was livid I explained my findings to the manageress! What could we do, it was his word against mine?
Like a galleon in full sail I confronted the thief, he denied all knowledge, protesting way too profusely for my liking. The large bright pink package and my wallet had been in my bag, when he messed with my wallet he couldn’t have missed the package, could he? The manageress was shell shocked as I called him every lying, thieving, adjective ever written ... along with some not written in lexicons of any day!
I resigned on the spot.
I wrote to the charity to report the incident.
I resolved they can stick their op shop and their choice of volunteers where the sun don’t shine!
The sender of the package is still, like me, flabbergasted ... says the saga couldn't get much better unless some amazing stranger turns up on my doorstep with the package, battered and grubby in about six months …
So … Sunday Scribblers … what would I attempt if I knew I would not fail?
Do I need to spell it out?
Enjoy more talented Sunday Scribblings here
Friday's Feast One Hundred and Eighty Three ... deelish!
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how much do you like your own handwriting? Apologies for sounding big headed but ... I like my handwriting and so does everyone I know!
Do you prefer baths or showers? Showers only, I detest baths! They remind of when I was a kid and the cleanest person in the family got the first bath ... EeUuWww Im not going there except to say 'money was short, times were hard.'
What was the last bad movie you watched? There's been so many ... probably some hideous late night B grade number!
Main Course
Name something you are addicted to and describe how it affects your life. Something, crikey, where to start I have an addictive nature. Collecting, dark chocolate, lists ... nothing harmful!
Which instrument is your favorite to listen to? Someone tinkling the keys on a cash register or a piano!
Check out other Feaster's here
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Inspire me Thursday - KITCHEN
My decision was wine or poster ...
For some unexplained reason this poster screamed at me ... at that time I had no idea what I was seeing, listening for or hearing ...
Now the images reflect and symbolise change ...
A collection of fresh, clean, healthy, beautiful choices ...
Spending that $5 on the poster and not plonk, possibly saved my life ...
Discover more kitchens here.
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Three Word Wednesday LXXVl
I've not participated in 3WW but seeing the words for today instantly reminded me of Portia Nelson's Autobiography in Five Short Chapters. It's rest time in my life after stumbling down the sidewalk not once, or twice, but a trillion times ... no more!
I walk down the street.....
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk....
I fall in.....
I am lost — I am helpless.....
It isn't my fault.....
It takes forever to find a way out.
I walk down the same street.....
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.....
I pretend I don't see it.....
I fall in again.....
I can't believe I'm in the same place.....
But it isn't my fault.....
It still takes a long time to get out.
I walk down the same street.....
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk....
I see it is there.....
I still fall in — it's a habit....
My eyes are open....
I know where I am....
It is MY fault.....
I get out immediately.
I walk down the same street.....
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk....
I walk around it.
I walk down a DIFFERENT street.
by Portia Nelson. 1920 - 2001
Shutter Sisters, One Sweet Shot - Corey Amaro Tongue in Cheek
Forgot to mention I honored the superlative Corey of Tongue in Cheek over at Shutter Sisters monthly One Sweet Shot / OSS.
The photography is stunning!
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Manic Monday on Tuesday
If you could retire tomorrow what would you do? I'm already retired and loving doing exactly as the whim takes me!
Should anything be censored and if so, what and why? You need a licence to breed animals - the same should apply to people. I know it sounds harsh but have you seen or heard about some of the poor little darlings being brought into the world so people can cash in on government handouts ??? Parental censorship, under certain circumstances, would save babies from being born into poverty, neglect, or born for the sake of a 'plasma screen.'
Sadly, yes, it happens and hopefully, the Australian Government will come to their senses and pay the 'baby bonus' in increments, across the board, instead of as a lump sum.
Ten on Tuesday
In the spirit of the Meme - I'm actually looking forward to Autumn / Fall down here in Australia, but I'll play the 'Spring' game ...
1. Getting to know the pharmacy staff as I buy anti allergy and hayfever medications.
2. Seeing baby lambs in the fields on a day out in the country.
3. Longer Days.
4. Wearing my Haviana's again.
5. Being able to exclaim "Spring has Sprung!"
6. Packing away the winter woolies.
7. Turning off the electric blanket.
8. Not having a cold nose.
9. Having a less expensive heating bill.
10. Doing the annual Spring clean...
... crikey aren't they boring????
Monday, 10 March 2008
Writers Island - RISING ...
My initial thought was Marilyn Monroe's rendition of Heatwave ... with the line 'temperatures rising, it isn't surprising' ... nah I turfed that idea ... I've done songs to death on prompts!
Rising ... my thoughts turned to yeast, bread making, beer brewing ... Google, enlightened me ...
The word "yeast" comes from the Sanskrit 'yas' meaning "to seethe or boil". Yeast is a living organism and is in the air around us. It is a member of the fungus family and is a single-celled fungi of which there are about 160 different species. Baker's yeast as well as brewer's yeast belong to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae species. Louis Pasteur in the 1850's is credited with first discovering and understanding the fermentation process which led to the development and cultivation of the yeast we use ...
Ooops ... off on a tangent ... this reminded me of my loathing of yeast. How it's become the scourge of women ... how university studies are concentrating on the rising tide of yeast infections ... the bloating, the allergies, the upset tummy ... jeepers creepers was this heading down the the Candida aka yeast infection path?
No way ...
... so for now let's remember Candida as the one of the hilarious characters created by gorgeous Aussie comedienne Jean Kitson , George Bernard Shaw's Candida or as the chosen name of drag queens around the world ...
... not that the incidence of candida/fungal/yeast infections are rising!
Sunday, 9 March 2008
Unconscious Mutterings 266 ...
2. Divisive :: jealousy
3. Flash :: in the pan
4. Steaming :: scrumptious
5. Crunch :: numbers
6. Look out! :: beware
7. Anticipating :: always good news
8. Slim :: pickings
9. Navel :: belly button
10.Help :: yourself
See who else is muttering here
Saturday, 8 March 2008
Sunday Scribblings #101 - "The Experiment" ... INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY.

This experiment was the foundation of the women’s movement. None of the women who attended and spoke up would have imagined the impact their actions created.
By 1910 an international conference of women resolved one day a year should be earmarked for highlighting the demands of women. March 8 was deemed International Women's Day (IWD) around the world could unite, to fight for equality.
In England women met and marched. The Suffragettes adopted the colours of Green, White and Violet to symbolise their slogan "Give Women the Vote" … these colours have remained the colours of IWD.
In Sydney, IWD was first celebrated in 1928. Women rallied for equal pay for equal work, eight-hour working days for shop workers, no piece-work, a basic wage for the unemployed and paid annual leave. Gatherings have been organised in Australia every year since.
This year there are 611 events listed in 52 countries …
In Sydney today there was the rally in Hyde Park
Events were held Australia wide.
IWD is about recalling the long fought battles to build a just, fair, diverse, tolerant, and equal society for all.
International Women’s Day celebrates what women have done, are doing and will continue to do.
So if you’ve an experiment smouldering in the back of your mind, take heed, art, act, do it, who knows what it could lead to and what a difference your actions could make in the future!
Happy International Women's Day!
Friday, 7 March 2008
Friday's Feast One Hunderd and Eighty Two a Buffet for your brain ...
If you could be any current celebrity for one whole week, who would you want to be? Martha Stewart.
On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how much do you enjoy talking on the phone? If someone I know, love or adore is on the other end its a 10 out of 10 score. If someone is selling, wanting a donation, inebriated, or calling after before 10am or after 10 pm (unless it's a major emergency or one of my girls) they get a 0 out of 10 response plus a 'kalunk' right in their ear'ole!
Name a charitable organization to which you have donated (or would like to). The Surf Life Saving Association.
Main Course
What is a food you like so much you could eat it every single day for a month?
Seafood, any food from the sea.
Have you or anyone in your family had the flu this year? Not me, ma bella has!
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Ten on Tuesday
1. Water - I always have a bottle of water with me, recently my 93 year old Dad told me "You're addicted to that" ...
2. Green tea.
3. Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice
4. Jarrah Chocolatte
5. Pineapple Juice
... the following cool refreshing glasses of happiness only on very rare occasions ...
6. Amaretto on Ice
7. A glass of good Merlot
8. Vodka with a dash of soda and squash
9. Champagne
10. Gordons Gin & CocaCola
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Manic Monday on Tuesday ...
You find that your best friend has stolen money to pay for medical treatment for a seriously ill relative. What would you do?
I'd immediately call the police ... in reality I'd never have a best friend that would steal ... if per chance I had that kind of money no 'best friend' would have access to it. I'm too old and too wise for that caper ... never mess with a redhead ;)
What three things do you regret not learning to do?
I only have one tiny, weeny regret in my life (that doesn't apply here) I've no other regrets. I don't dwell on the past what's done is done. If I wanted to learn something that bad I'd go and do it then get on with life, stop angsting and wasting valuable time ... well that is if I was the regretting kind!
Monday, 3 March 2008
Ta Daaa look, look, my new book ... ART MAKING, COLLECTIONS & OBESSIONS by LYNNE PERRELLA.
ART MAKING, COLLECTIONS & OBSESSIONS by LYNNE PERELLA only published in 2007 the book is a visual confessional, an intimate exploration, and an inspiring celebration of stuff.
Words cannot describe the contents of this glorious, visual feast ... except for drooooool ...
The knowledge that other people get this collecting feeling ... the love of the hunt, the chase, that magical moment of discovery, when your heart skips a beat, when you feel feel faint, as the the vapours engulf you and a gasp escapes from somewhere inside you ... is enormous!
Sunday, 2 March 2008
Unconcious Mutterings Week 265
1. Chemical :: Allergies
2. Poker :: All in
3. Federal :: Election
4. Mattress :: Bounce
5. Who am I? :: Who knows?
6. Investigation :: Private eye
7. In good hands :: Mother
8. 8:30 :: Gray's Anatomy
9. Creditors:: Nil
10. Resource :: Human
Read more mutterings here
Saturday, 1 March 2008
Friday's Feast One Hundred and Eighty One.
Who was the last person you hugged? Gorgeous Simi.
Share a beauty or grooming trick or tip with us. Never let the hot water run directly on your face when you're under the shower. Use a face washer or cup your hands and splash. The heat and pressure of the water can break the capilliary's / blood vessels on your face, especially as your skin gets thinner with age!
What does the color yellow make you think of? Custard.
Main Course
If you were to make your living as a photographer, what subject would your pictures revolve around? Quirky shots of people and places doing the unexpected in an unexpected environment.
What was the longest book you ever read? I'm stumped, there's been a squillion, million, trillion books ...