Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Writers Island #7 - "Haunted"

Are other islanders haunted by people who miss the point?

You know the ones ...

When you tell a story they only see it as an opportunity to one up you, to tell you something that’s usually not relevant … Ooops sorry, how dare I, their mind is racing to blurt their thoughts … the ones that prattle on without one iota of what you’ve said, what you need or what you’re about?

By people who instead of handing out praise, can’t wait to regale you with something they believe is of a similar consequence?

By people who make everything about them – see previous two paragraphs!

By people who don’t see the funny side, who see the majority of life shrouded by doom and gloom?

By people who “don’t get it”… whether a trend, a tradition, anything unique, kooky, eccentric, with a smidge of individuality, or the bizarre … stuff that zooms, whooooshes over the top of their selfish noggins.

So … who we gonna call … Ghostbusters?


Beau Brackish said...

This seems like a good opportunity to regale you with stories of the Spanish-American War ...

Hilarious post, Red! I hope I am never one of those people.

Sr. Heather said...

Hee hee! I know I've never been one of those people, of course!

Great post - thank you!

Marja said...

Good idea were gonna call ghostbusters and scare them all away. Well said.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

I greatly fear I am too often one of "those people." I must try harder to behave myself!

Steve said...

Do you have their Number?

Jo said...

It's a shame you don't live closer.......there's nothing I like better than an acerbic wit! Fab take on the prompt.

Jo said...

Oh and Herb, thanks for making me lose my coffee.

Annie Jeffries said...

Ouch, does the shoe fit? Ouch! Nope! Thank God.

Robin said...

This post reminds me of the time...

Great stuff Red, great stuff.

paisley said...

so like as long as i don't verbalize it my mind can rush as far ahead as it wants to???? excellent post... i am often the guilty one.....

Keith's Ramblings said...

Thanks for putting into words what many of us think time and time again!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is true and to the point, loved it! Wonder whicg category I would belong...:)

Pen said...

*waves hand sheepishly in air* um... I am anecdote queen, to be sure! I swear I don't mean to write a blog for a comment, but I try to make the story like a 'I really identify with this' sort of thing. I really must be careful not to do that here! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Now whare do I belong?

Thinking hard, scratching my head!

Tumblewords: said...

If I'm one, I apologize. If I'm not, I'll try harder. If it's not about me...? Love this post!

wendy said...

Very funny last line.

b+ (Retire In Style Blog) said...

Very well put...and instructive too. I am guilty as charged but trying to improve all the time.

Thank you a lot for the comment on my story.


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